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FFRPL is the 501(c)(3) charity that raises funds, presents programssupports special projectshelps create specialized spaces, and purchases supplemental materials & equipment for the Rochester Public Library.

We’re collecting stories!

How has FFRPL/the Library helped you?

Please send us your 10 second video.

Submitting your video

  • Email your 10 second video as an attachment to ffrpl-stories@libraryweb.org

  • For files too large to send as an attachment, please email us a link using your favorite file sharing application (Google Docs, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, or similar program). Email links to ffrpl-stories@libraryweb.org 

  • You can include your name/your Family’s name (optional); please say what program or service you used recently, and which Library you visited (if applicable).

Please note

  • Your submission is your approval for FFRPL/RPL to use your video as part of our Marketing on behalf of the Library

  • No one under 18 is to submit a video unless they are appearing on camera w/an adult