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FFRPL is the 501(c)(3) charity that raises funds, presents programssupports special projectshelps create specialized spaces, and purchases supplemental materials & equipment for the Rochester Public Library.

Board of Directors FY 2024 – 25

(July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025)

Justin Stevens, President

Sally Millick, Vice President

Shiva Ramaswamy, Treasurer

Denise Lippa, Secretary


Arelis Aponte

Adam Brady

Shawn L. Futch

Diana Green

Jim Kraus (RPL liaison)

Hon. Renee Forgensi Minarik (retired)

Om Popli

Marjorie Shelly (MCLS liaison)

Karen Soanes

Steven A. Suozzi

Patty Uttaro

Khalid Vrede

Bill Yust

Ichin Zinn