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FFRPL is the 501(c)(3) charity that raises funds, presents programssupports special projectshelps create specialized spaces, and purchases supplemental materials & equipment for the Rochester Public Library.

Art of the Book & Paper

FFRPL is a Founding Sponsor of Central Library’s Art of the Book & Paper exhibit. The first show was held in 2011, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Rochester Public Library. The exhibit has grown to include work from all over the world. Learn more about Art of the Book & Paper.

Call for entries! Access the 2025 entry form and prospectus.

The 2024 show

The Art of the Book & Paper exhibit was on view at the Central Library through November 30.

62 Artists are featured in the 2024 show (4 artists submitted in more than one category), from 23 States (Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin), and representing 5 countries (United States, Argentina, France, Hong Kong and the Netherlands).

View/download the 2024 Art of the Book & Paper Program.

Related Library Resources

The Monroe County Library System has thousands of titles (books, Blu-Ray, DVD’s) related to artist books, book making, handmade books, bookbinding, altered books, paper sculpture, creating paper pop-up books and other forms of book art and book arts.

Browse the catalog: roccitylibrary.org

Categories of work

Artist Books are works of art realized in the form of a book. They are often published in small editions, though sometimes they are produced as one-of-a-kind objects referred to as ‘unique.’ Artist Books have employed a wide range of forms including scrolls, fold-outs, concertinas, or loose items contained in a box, as well as bound printed sheets. Artists have been active in printing and book production for centuries, but the artist book is primarily a late 20th century art form.

Altered Books are books, old or new, that have been recycled by creative means into a work of art. They can be rebound, painted, cut, burned, folded, added to, collaged in, gold-leafed, rubber stamped, drilled or otherwise adorned…and yes, it is legal. They can also be composed entirely of unique materials.

Paper Sculptures are artworks created as sculptures using paper in some form as the predominant medium. These sculptures are three-dimensional and can be either free-standing or bas relief and would be considered art forms in themselves.  Paper sculpture can be functional or non-functional with attention to pushing the limits of how paper can be used and explores paper in inventive and unique ways.

Winners for the first 10 years of the Art of the Book exhibit